Antwort Is 13 Reasons Why a depressing show? Weitere Antworten – Is 13 reasons a bad show

Is 13 Reasons Why a depressing show?
This show is disturbing even for adults. 2) The best way to support your kids through hard things is to actually have a relationship with your child. This show will NOT bring you closer to your child. It will not help them if you are not able to talk to them about important things in life.It may help parents who want to know what it's like to be a teenager dealing with depression, bullying or sexual assault, but if you have experience of mental illness, self-harm, suicide or sexual assault then I would advise you not to watch it.At Children's Hospital Colorado, our mental health experts strongly recommend that children and youth not watch 13 Reasons Why, and certainly not alone.

What is the saddest moment in 13 Reasons Why : The death of Justin Foley. After a long battle against drugs, abuse, and being homeless before being adopted by the Jensens and working to turn his life around, Justin's health takes a turn for the worst and he collapses at prom only to be hospitalised.

Should I let my 14 year old watch 13 Reasons Why

First, let's talk about the TV-MA rating of the series. MA stands for mature audiences. This rating means a show is unsuitable for anyone under the age of 17. According to Common Sense Media, the film graphically portrays bullying, rape, sexual assault, and suicide.

Why is 13 Reasons Why banned : Censorship in the United States

Ultimately, it became the third-most challenged book between 2010 and 2019. The book has been challenged because it addresses teen suicide, is sexually explicit, includes drugs, alcohol, and smoking, and is considered unsuitable for the age group.

“In 13 Reasons Why, Hannah doesn't say she suffers from depression but the signs are there,” she says. “You may know someone who feels like Hannah,” says Steven Silver, who plays Marcus Cole.

According to Common Sense Media, the film graphically portrays bullying, rape, sexual assault, and suicide. Netflix ultimately removed the suicide scene due to complaints from mental health professionals. These scenes are disturbing, distressing, and inappropriate for adolescents.

Why is it hard to watch 13 Reasons Why

I watched only season 1 and thinking it would be something with some substance about suicide, but it was just a pretty run of the mill teen drama using suicide as revenge. The problem with that show is the feeling you could also leave that life quickly if you wanted to. That suicide was too explicit, too detailed.It has been accused of handling the topic of suicide. And self-harm irresponsibly Netflix says it has been quote mindful. About the ongoing debate.Two years after the premiere of 13 Reasons Why, Netflix has edited out the show's controversial graphic suicide scene.

(12A) 12A No-one younger than 12 may see a '12A' film in a cinema unless accompanied by an adult. Responsibility for allowing under-12s to view lies with the accompanying or supervising adult. (15) 15 No-one younger than 15 may see a '15' film in a cinema.

Why was Fifty Shades of Grey banned : The book landed on the American Library Association's Top 10 List of Banned and Challenged Books in 2012 (4), 2013 (4), and 2015 (2) because it is sexually explicit and unsuited for the age group; has nudity and offensive language; and for religious viewpoints.

Is 13 Reasons Why banned in the UK : Netflix's 13 Reasons Why has released its fourth and final season, but while we can watch it freely in the UK, some countries have completely banned it.

What mental disorder does Clay have

His therapist (Gary Sinise) is introduced as a source of support since he suffers from depression and anxiety.

Netflix said the decision had been made "on the advice of medical experts". The first series of the show featured a graphic depiction of Hannah (Katherine Langford) taking her own life.Jay Asher, the book's author, said in an interview with PBS that banning “13 Reasons Why” was a result of people's discomfort with wanting to talk about real and difficult issues. “Challenging '13 Reasons Why' was not a badge of honor, but a reason, I think, why teens have so much trouble opening up to adults.

Did they take the bathtub scene out of 13 Reasons Why : More than two years later, Netflix announced on Tuesday that it made the decision to cut that scene entirely. In a newly edited version of the Season 1 finale that replaced the old version, Hannah (played by Katherine Langford) looks at her reflection in the bathroom mirror.